4711 Colognette Refreshing Lemon by 4711 for Men

4711 Colognette Refreshing Lemon has a zesty, clean and refreshing aroma. It was created by a perfumer that has been crafting fragrances since the 1700s. Designed as a unisex fragrance, this citrus perfume has hints of floral, spicy and woody notes that have a cool, calming effect, whisking one away to a lazy day of taking in the sunshine and Mother Nature's bounty.

Fragrance Family: Citrus

Scent Type: Fresh, aromatic, floral, woody

Notes: Zesty and magnetic, 4711 Colognette Refreshing Lemon has a revitalizing effect as one takes in the fresh opening notes of lemon, orange and bergamot. The fragrance takes a soothing herbal turn as rosemary and lavender start to unveil themselves. The scent dries down with more citrus infused with the floral and woody aromas of neroli and petitgrain.

Suggested Use: For a long-lasting fragrance that you can carry throughout the day and to minimize the need for reapplying, focus on your pulse points behind your ears, at the base of your neck and on your wrists as well as warmer areas of the body, such as behind the knees and inside the elbow. These are the best places to apply your fragrance since the scent intensifies by the warmth of your body.

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Item #PP907855X


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